Sunday, April 04, 2010

Resurrrection isn't enough

I remember sunrise service. Even in Michigan, without much sun, there was a bit of sparkle in the sanctuary, I’m thinking supplied by the music.

I like the idea of Easter.

Everything is messed up, we’ve been doing things wrong. And then God makes us a deal. All you’ve got to do is believe. Hokey as it is, believe and you will be forgiven, rise up… fill in your own ending.

Maybe if we could get back to that basic premise. Believe.

Nope, there needs to be some follow through. That’s where we’re messing up. Again. Believe.

You can’t do that endless loop. Us people have to figure out the follow through.

Might work for getting to the fill in your own ending part and make things a bit better here on earth.

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