Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Big Lie

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents raided Swift & Co. plants in six states, arresting a bit over 1,200 people this week after a ten month investigation.

The Company was aware of the impending raids and sought an injunction against them saying they would cause "substantial and irreparable injury." It said that the raid would remove up to 40% of its 13,000 workers.

After the raid Swift & Co. president Sam Rovit said that the Company has never knowingly hired illegal workers.

My considered legal opinion: Liar Liar, Pants on Fire.

1 comment:

Life Hiker said...

Thanks to our Latinophobe republican congresspeople, we got no legislation last year to rationalize immigration policy.

I figure that if the government makes no real effort to keep illegals from coming in, then its policy is pro-illegal. This Swift thing is simply a bone that Bush is throwing to those Latinophobes - means little from a big picture standpoint.

Sam Rovit probably was not lying in a technical sense. I'm sure Swift takes great care to not know if the people they hire are illegal. Just like many thousands of other upstanding American employers... In my view, they are victims of our congress, which refuses to handle a problem that is looking them right in the face.