Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Flu By Any Other Name

Atlanta, Georgia (RTW News Service)

Birds apparently didn't have lobbyists a few years back as does the humble swine.

Earlier this week, Jewish and Muslim groups wanted to change the name of swine flu because, well, I never did understand why. They don't eat pork is as close as I could get. I don't eat okra; but, I don't object to the word. An Israeli spokesman suggested it be called the Mexican flu, to which guess who took umbrage.

Though swine flu is not transmitted by eating the flesh of our porcine friends, ten countries have barred the importation of pork products.

The pork lobby swung into action. And guess what, there is no more swine flu. The government now refers to our current flu iteration as the H1N1 virus.

Attempts to reach R2D2 for comment were unsuccessful.


Hedy said...


Jenn said...

Yea, But... Look how drastically the price of pork is going to drop! I know what's going in my freezer!

Unknown said...

100,000 people a year die from the plain old flu and we don't cancel high school sports in an entire state.

Can you say "hysteria"? I knew you could.

Anyone remember the same hysteria from the 70's? Bodies piling up in the streets back then..... yeah,right.

Wendy said...

I second DaleC,
get a has a cure everyone calm down.