Monday, March 02, 2009


I just realized the last post was the 750th here.

In just under two and a half years.

I'm going to have to look at the blog owner's manual and see what maintenance needs to be done in the 750 post check up. A new template? One of those RSS, Technorati or Digg icons? Ads? Nah, hopefully more good content.

Thanks for stopping by all this time, I'll do my best (given my, on a given day, current mood, inspiration and ability) to make it worth your while.

And, I need to get a life.


Anonymous said...

Happy 750! Congratulations for at least having reasons to blog.

Unknown said...

a few more an you pass Hammerin' Hank Aaron.

Too bad about that steroid use last season though... looks like an asterisk for you :-)