Sunday, January 28, 2007

I Hope I'm Right About This

Why is there nothing in the news about what Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, et alia think about Iraq?

Why does the the Bush Administration refuse to consider talking to Syria and Iran about Iraq?

Why did the Iraq Study Group recommendation that regional talks were a necessary component of any plan to "solve" the Iraq problem, arrive still-born?

My hope in answering these questions is that:

Behind the scenes, the countries in the Middle East are involved in plans to stabilize Iraq.

We are talking to Syria and Iran, or communicating with them through third parties.

The study group recommendation is not still-born. It's in an incubator in the critical care unit being nurtured back to health by all of the above named players.

If these things are not happening, Iraq and maybe the Middle East, will be toast soon after we leave. Is it too much to hope that President Bush, lover of secrecy that he is, is in fact taking steps to achieve in-country and regional stability?


fermicat said...

I haven't heard much about the study group recommendations since Bush decided to ignore them and do something completely different than what they recommended. The media seems to have dropped the ball on following up the group's recommendations and how/if they are followed.

Dave said...

I'd had the same thought about the media not following up.

Ron Davison said...

It would be fascinating to hear just what these communities are thinking at every level. I guess one of the reasons that we got into this predicament is that our media doesn't seemed particularly curious about the Middle Eastern perspective.