Friday, February 01, 2008


I have it. Low level, but there just the same. I can physically get up, go to work... and sit there starring at the wall. Started late Tuesday and it's hanging on longer than I've experienced in years.

Enjoy the weekend, I may, or may not.


Jeni said...

I guess it was just a matter of time before this stuff made its way down south. Welcome to the club, Dave. Hope it passes through without too much misery.

The Exception said...

I do hope that you feel better soon!

I recently ordered an invisible fence for my cat, based on your suggestion. I didn't know that such things existed for indoor use!

So... there is a 30 day trial period. Everyone thinks that the cat will defeat the fence... but I am giving it a go!

molly gras said...

I was getting a little worried, again.

"Where's Dave?" "He hasn't posted in a while?" "I wonder if he has a big case to work on?" "Maybe he's being stalked by some silly, mutant, non-ethical, misquoting news reporter?"

So many questions ... so much concern ... so few answers.

Feel better soon ;)

Posol'stvo the Medved said...

1. Thank you for sparing us graphic details.
2. "Crud" seems to be making the rounds with a freaking sledgehammer this year. I've heard about two cases where kids were hospitalized around here. A rather virulent sledgehammer.
3. Get lots of sleep. Push clear liquids. Use it as an excuse to watch lots of garbage tv/movies.

Keith said...

I hope you get better soon Dave. The "crud" has even hit Phoenix believe it or not. And it kicked the shit out of my wife around Christmas time when hers turned into pneumonia.

fermicat said...

There is a lot of this going around at work. It has made me darned paranoid about germs. Hope you get over it soon.

Lifehiker said...

Pretty good form, Dave! Get better, so you can get back on the course!

Minnesotablue said...

The crud hit us also. Not even the below zero temps could freeze it out. Rest, drink fluids and wait it out. It eventually goes!

Hedy said...

Feel better, Dave.

Debo Blue said...

Hey Dave.

Dave said...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thanks for the wishes and thoughts.

As of this morning, the crud was ninety nine percent gone. Big Rick, Big Tony, Mac and I played golf today at Cherokee Run. Ah the vagauraies of "Captain's Choice." Identical scores for the teams, me and Tony, Mac and Rick. The latter won the money. AND. AND. Big Rick was a putting machine.

Off Topic. The only decent commercial so far on the SP 42 has been the Budweiser horse/dog training bit. Cute.

Hedy said...

Hey Dave - Totally off topic: Did you see that Kvatch is back?

Kathleen said...

I had high level crud earlier in January. I was actually thinking death would have been preferable to how I was feeling. I hope you felt better by Friday night and had a great weekend.

Dave said...

Hedy, thanks for the tip.