Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Culling the Herd; or, How to Decide in a Primary Election

Georgia is conducting primary elections today. Campaigning has been very low key.

There are five candidates seeking to run as a Democrat, and almost certainly lose the November election to Republican Saxby Chambliss. One of them, Vernon Jones, the current chief executive of DeKalb County in Metro Atlanta, drew some negative press when he sent a mailing that showed himself and Barack Obama together. The problem? They hadn't been together - he photo-shopped two individual pictures to create the meeting. Senator Obama felt compelled to state publicly that he wasn't sure who Jones was and that he was not endorsing Jones. I'll sit this one out and see who survives.

Two Democrats are running to unseat Democrat Sheriff Thomas Brown in DeKalb County. Aldranon English, when asked why he's running said "I plan on competing with other law enforcement agencies outside of DeKalb County to bring in new business and residents back into our communities." Huh? Tony Scipio also wants the job: "I will provide and maintain proficient, effective and qualified Law Enforcement Services throughout the Jail Facility, Court Services, Criminal and Civil Process, while increasing the clarity and image of the Sheriff's Office and maintaining the quality of life for all citizens of DeKalb County." I guess he's the capital letter/osmosis candidate. The incumbent, Thomas Brown, actually made sense in his statements leaving me nothing to make fun of. I guess he's my guy.

The herd was a bit puny this year. I won't bore you with my culling in the other races. I used a similar process. Syntax or logic problems, you're outta here. Too many capital letters, adios. Use of the word transparency, good bye. Still too many candidates that I don't know enough about. I guess I'll leave some blanks on my electronic, chadless ballot.

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