Saturday, March 21, 2009

Blog Fodder

I’ve noticed that people that read me, read the blogs that I read. Were I to be really bored, have mathematical skills and a bit of artistic flair, it might be fun to create some sort of Venn diagram of the intersections among us.

As that isn’t going to happen, here’s the fall back idea. Leave a link to your favorite blog. If you can’t (or won’t) narrow it to one, give me a couple. Here’s the question to ask yourself – what blog(s) do I look forward to reading? Put differently, what blog(s) that I visit disappoint me when I see there isn’t a new post? If you like, explain your choice(s).

And if you don’t want to publicly choose, I’m not going to, let me know in an Email.


Anonymous said...

My blog list on my sidebar is a pretty accurate representation. I prune it down from time to time to remove the ones that drifted away, presumably to the real world.

Almost every blog I read came from one of two sources: LifeHiker or Nick's Bytes. Those two make up the nucleus, and me and my blog friends are the electrons swirling around them.

(The only one I knew in the real world first was Mike.)

Wes said...

I like pretty much every blog on my blogroll, but there's not a day that passes without time at any of the following:

Greg Roach's Berkshires Blog (from my time in Massachusetts - Greg is a friend and fraternity brother)
Pandagon (Amanda, Jesse, Pam and Auguste have the best blog in the business, as far as I'm concerned)
Sadly, No! (This is where I get my snark)
Left on Lanier (We don't agree on everything - Grey likes the idea of Milton County and I don't, I'm supporting Poythress and he's supporting Barnes - but it's a consistently good read)

And this little popsicle stand, of course.


Jenn said...

I agree with the other two, check my side bar (I don't know how to do the hyper links in comments) and They are almost in order of how I check them. I check Doc before NYPINTA and I check Bill last. I check CDM after I check you... I reckon you will just have to visit my blog to see. I started back five years ago with NYPINTA and picked up meanderings in hicksville from NYPINTA ... Most of my sidebar came from other peoples blogs. I did pick up a few on the next blog icon at the top of the page, tho. Oh.... and I get pissy when my fav's (on the sidebar) don't update, it makes for a bad day! That is like my little escape from the kids in the evening. Most of the bloggers have light hearted and upbeat posts and they make me smile. Besides my only friend in real life are :Philly and Doc: and then I have a long distance friendship with NYPINTA who I went to school with and who got me into this blogging business. After all, I do need some adult intellectual intercourse!!!!!!

PS loved the briefs post, that made it worth the absence in your posts!

dr sardonicus said...

The Venn diagrams and blog circles are intriguing indeed - I would think they would be to anyone who spends a lot of time in the blogosphere. They actually have diagrammed something like you suggest for the political blogs; I might try to find that for you later this evening.

I have a Six Degrees Of Separation concept going as well in that I can trace all my regular readers in six steps or less (well, maybe seven for some of the later ones) to either Atrios or Kevin Drum, two of the biggest names in blogging and the first bloggers I read regularly.

Here's how it works with you:

1. Dave
2. Fermicat
3. Beth
4. 24Crayons
5. The Farmer
6. Atrios

Atrios gets a megazillion hits a day and doesn't know me from Adam, and you already know Fermi well. The rest are good entertainment and educational to one degree or another. I have over 120 on my blogroll, so it may or may not be helpful, but everybody's there for a reason.

That girl said...

You know, for me, it used to be Ryan's blog...what is his URL again? (i know you know which one I'm talking about)

As of the last year though, it's been the same post again and again, I've come to accept it, but it was very frustrating at first.

I felt like that about Groovy Lady too!

Lifehiker said...

Rworld is the best writer and most entertaining thinker I read.

ThomasLB keeps me as humble as I can be (humility not being one of my strong points), and he is also the very best finder of others' stuff that interests me.

I am constantly thankful that I found both these guys while doing random reads of blogs several years ago.

But, I love to walk through the blogs that they and others put on sidebars. There are many thoughtful and talented people out there, which makes me optimistic about the world

dr sardonicus said...

Here's the diagram I was telling you about.

Dave said...


I searched for my blog at the site. As of June 2008, I apparently did not exist in the political blogosphere.

Jenn said...

I yea, I forgot to say, lol, I don't like it when ppl don't post comments on my blog! OK, on my blogs that have content to them!

fermicat said...

I see you on some of the blogs I frequent. I won't presume to recommend political blogs, so how about a few people who are just plain funny?

Tiff is a good place to start. She has a lot to say and much of it is drop dead funny.

I will second Red's recommendation of Meanderings in Hicksville. Trina doesn't update very often these days, but when she does it is highly worth reading.

Jim Donahue said...

The already recommended Sadly, No! is probably my fave.