Sunday, January 28, 2007

Who Are All These People?

A couple of times a week I log on to The site tracks visitors to my blog. Among the information it gives is the "referring" URL when the visitor came as the result of a search on a search engine.

A couple of months ago I did a short post with a link to "The Federal Judge Song" on It's a funny bit along the lines of the songs done by The Capitol Steps. Since then, for some strange reason, scores of people are doing Google searches for "federal judge song" on Google. I am the second result, which I don't understand. When people come to my blog as a result of this search, they then go to That being the case, why doesn't that site come up as a top result for the search? Regardless, who are all of these people doing the search?

The wonders of the Internet.


fermicat said...

I have a lot of fun with, which is what I use to track blog visits. Some of the search phrases that bring people in are odd, but I guess I haven't been blogging enough to get the truly bizarre search phrases like some do. I don't pretend to understand the results order on search engines. Makes no sense, and is frustrating when I am the one doing a search.

Anonymous said...

I have javascript turned off. Do I show up in your statistics?

Dave said...

Thomas, I don't think you do. As I recall you are in Texas. I occasionally get someone from Texas, but not with your regularity.

Anonymous said...

I always get here by clicking the link on my own blog, so in the absence of that trail I guess your javascript-disabled visitors aren't being logged.

A lot of people are turning off javascript to keep their browsers more secure. You might have twice as many visitors as you think you do!