Sunday, February 18, 2007

Google Is Not Infallible

For anything other than some technical searches, I use Google. I may have to rethink that.

I registered at Google's Webmaster services. One of the things it does is track searches that give your blog as a result. I think their algorithms need a bit of tweaking.

I am the sixth result, on average, for "southern baptist convention." I am the seventh for "hedyblog," a blog which I read and link to. I hope she is rated higher than me for her own blog name.

Absolutely inexplicable is my seventh place rank for "giban khalil."

As an unrelated aside, I still can't figure out why the Blogger spellcheck can't spell Google.


Anonymous said...

Right now I have links up to both your blog and to a Kahlil Gibran website- but surely it would take more than one site to kick your ranking up so high.

Dave said...

I read the explanation of how they come up with the rankings. I has to do with importance. Since you link to me and may be the only one of the few sites that link to the query, I may be relatively highly ranked in the universe of links????

Anonymous said...

Give your Mom a call and tell her she was wrong- the world does revolve around you! Google proved it!

Have you checked your blog's ranking at Technorati? (That's usually pretty humbling.)

Dave said...

Actually, Technorati is encouraging. I've moved up from 1.3 million or so to 520K in the past few months.

Ryan said...

I'm tired of cat shit carpet googlers coming to my site. When you get it all figured out Dave... hopefully you will let me know!!

Dave said...


The issue is, do they go away disappointed?

Ryan said...

Well Dave.... I suppose there is a reason I show up #1 on that search. I hope they get something out of it.