More Good Stuff
The Attorney General has resigned. Does good news come in threes? Gonzales, Cheney, Bush?
Comments, and on my pretentious days, essays, on what on a given day interests, amuses, annoys or outrages me.
The Attorney General has resigned. Does good news come in threes? Gonzales, Cheney, Bush?
Posted by
8:40 AM
So, you're a generalist attorney, by your own admission. Will you be throwing your hat in the ring to take his place?
I'd vote for you.
I'm not going anywhere near the background test.
We can only hope about the threes...I always heard the opposite though...air plane crashes and deaths come in threes...ouch.
I don't know if good news comes in threes - always heard it was deaths - but you really are quite the optimist there to think it could lead to resignations from Cheny and DUBYA too, aren't 'cha?
Not that I have any problem with your wishful thinking as it does parallel mine.
Ah, wouldn't it just be loverly though?
We can only hope, pray, work mojo, hire a voodoo priest, maybe hold an exorcism of the executive branch? Oh, well, I'll stick with hoping.
OOhhh ... I'd help organize an exorcism.
I'm from Louisiana, I'm sure to find me a plethora of voodoo priests or priestess willing to stick many-a-pin in any D.C. politician's ass (**as well as anyone having a close association with the current administration)
And Dave ... scared of what they might "dredge up" in a background clearance check, eh?!
Hmmm ... (a bit of conjecture here) you were a teenager during the 60's ... well that could make for some interesting profiling ;)
I was pure as the driven snow back then, well I grew up outside of Detroit, so the sooty, oily, beginnings of global warming snow.
It's what came after that won't pass scrutiny. Hell, all they have to do is read this blog and I'm damned to my current life, as ok as it is.
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