Sorry Folks
Seems I've attracted a stalker. Until I block the attacks, your comments will be a little slow in showing up on the blog.
Comments, and on my pretentious days, essays, on what on a given day interests, amuses, annoys or outrages me.
Seems I've attracted a stalker. Until I block the attacks, your comments will be a little slow in showing up on the blog.
Posted by
9:11 PM
Oh No! Not you too!!
Damn trolls...I can't figure out what gets 'em!
Perhaps rat poisoning? For that's what they are. Rats.
Only a rat would use the blog to stalk/bother/intimidate/berate/bully/ or in any other way piss you off.
Comment moderation is okay for us. Use it to your heart's content and block that troll!!
I kind of like moderated comments. It doesn't just keep out the trolls, it keeps out the spam.
I know one blogger who logged in one morning to find that a spam-bot had left comments on every single one of his posts going back several years- and the only way to delete them was one at a time.
That's why I insist on the Turing test. It's a pain in the ass, but after one of my posts a while back was spammed, it was either that or turn off commenting.
A stalker? On a blog?!? I guess nothing is sacred anymore :)
Since I'm still new to this blogging thing, how do you figure out when "stalking" occurs? I remember the days when I would go to an AOL chat room and the weirdos in there would give me the heebie jeebies... but I would just disconnect and/or check out other rooms. How do you repel a stalker in this blogging world (besides moederated comments)?
Good luck with that Dave
JRW (sonja's friend at work)
Maybe stalker, troll and rat aren't the right terms. Pain in the ass as is the Turing test? All of that.
I could block the entire domain the visitor comes from; but, that seems like overkill.
I'll put up with the comments he/she is sending that get trapped in the junk box.
It seems you shouldn't have to put up with it though... this is your place for thought-sharing and friend co-mingling. And that it should remain ~ good luck!
Bummer Dave. Hope the turd tires soon of not seeing his/her comments posted. Though I can't agree with Thomas. Don't moderate any longer than you have to. I find that moderation is a real damper on discussion.
"Troll" is probably the right term. That said, I hate it when one jerkstore (yes, Dave, "jerkstore" :)) ruins it for the rest of us.
Kvatch, you have a point, which I'd thought about. The moderation process probably isn't a total sponanaity killer in that the computer is on all day at work, and for at least part of the evening a home. If it isn't on, I'm not around or not in the mood to engage. A push?
Pos, you have the winner.
Comment moderation is OK with me. You're worth it.
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