Tuesday, November 20, 2007

And the Word Is...

What is an eight-letter word for acoustic guitar or push lawn mower or golf partner?

Why retronym of course. I swear I hadn’t read Sunday’s New York Times when I did my recent post about the word partner; but, in the Magazine, William Safire did a piece on the addition of an adjective to a noun when the noun became ambiguous or took on another meaning. “’A word or phrase created because an existing term that was once used alone needs to be distinguished from a term referring to a new development….’” Safire quoting the definition from the Fourth American Heritage Dictionary. Though he uses the term business partner as an example he pairs it with life partner and domestic partner which the definition seems to require. He says that the single noun partner is ambiguous. Though it may be, it is increasingly being used to describe one’s significant other, another annoying term. “Tea” might be similar to partner here in the South. Tea is a drink made from tea leaves. In many places in the South if you ask for tea you get sweet tea. So you learn to ask for hot tea or unsweetened tea.

I have to go now, someone’s calling on the landline.


Jeni said...

A "retronymn" huh? Come Sunday when I get stumped - which is usually fairly quickly - on the Sunday crossword puzzle, I might just be sending you some emergency posts requesting help for some of the clues that elude me - which is most of 'em anymore, I must say. Retronymn sounds like a good word for me to remember, if for nothing else than for crossword puzzle knowledge. Never realized before that so many things would be covered with that one word though.

Posol'stvo the Medved said...

A few years ago, a friend asked me for my address, because he wanted to send me a picture.

I gave him my email address.

He asked again.

I gave him my email address again.


So I sent him my POSTAL address via SNAIL mail. And he sent me a picture he'd clipped from a PRINT magazine.

I now watch "standard definition" television. Drink "caffeinated" coffee, or "regular" coffee. Sometimes with "whole" milk. I even have a "corded" phone somewhere in my house, but goodness knows where.

Dave said...

Jeni, don't count on me. Years ago, I was hell on wheels at the TV Guide crossword, but that was the height of my ability.

Pos, I think you got it.

Maybe we are just rediscovering the origin of adjectives. Or the patronymic. There's an evolving need to differentiate.