Monday, July 28, 2008

Business Is Booming

As near as I can tell, in the last week or ten days, I’ve taken on five new matters.

I like the actual doing. Kind of.

Do you have a parallel to my personality disorder?

I like getting all the facts together and figuring out what the best path to get the best result is. Once I’ve done that, I don’t like following the path, as I’ve already decided where it is going to go.

As an example, in law we on occasion write “briefs” – legal arguments that are submitted to the Judge who will decide who is right. I like mulling the issues over, thinking about the legal theories and latching on to the right argument. Then I have to do the research to find the statutes and court decisions that I know are out there. Drudgery. I know they are there; but, I have to physically find them and incorporate the “citations” in the brief.

But, where I plan to go is never quite where I end up. The only way I can crystallize my thinking is to write or talk. I start out SSW and before I know it, I end up tacking to the SW. Who knew, before I took the writing or talking trip.

Before a deposition or a hearing, I do my preparation. I outline the facts and the law (for a hearing). Then I start asking questions or making my argument; and, I NEVER follow the outline. As you are asking or arguing, things change. What wasn’t known, suddenly becomes obvious.

So what am I saying? Doing rather than pondering focuses my mind? Doing creates the intellectual equivalent of the athletic “zone?” Whatever it is, it works for me by paying the bills.

So tomorrow, some more pondering, drudgery and epiphany. Epiphany is fun.


Posol'stvo the Medved said...

What you are describing is actually what Robert Burns (I believe) meant when he said "The best made plans of mice and men oft gang aglay." Which is a funny way of saying "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans."

Happens to me in writing all the time. So many changes occur while I write that at the end I often have to go back and clean up the beginning.

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