Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Give Me Your Vote and I'll Give You...

Senator Obama, in his continuing quest to capture conservative and moderate votes, announced "his proposal to get religious charities more involved in government programs ….[giving] $500 million per year to provide summer learning for 1 million poor children to help close achievement gaps for students. He proposes elevating the program to the 'moral center' of his administration, calling it the Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. " NYTimes.com, July 1, 2008.

I suppose this is no different than his move from being a pro-NAFTA free trade advocate to advocating publicly (versus privately in communication with Canadians) to renegotiate the treaty to woo union votes; or, his switch from opposing the Bush Administration's revision of the FISA law to immunize phone companies to appeal to more conservatives and moderates with a national security bent; or, his conveniently forgetting that he used to think that the DC gun ban law was constitutional to draw in some of the NRA crowd (or more likely, to mute its opposition).

Senator Obama is not America's political savior. He is not going to, and has no intention of, transforming American government. He is a left-of-center politician that would govern very much like a guy that he doesn't get along with too well: Bill Clinton.


Anonymous said...

His strategy seems to be to punt the voters on the left and hope that wins him friends on the right.

I remember James Carville in 2004 warning that if John Kerry ran as Republican-Lite he would lose; he did, and he did. I can see Obama heading down the same road.

Personally, I have felt stabbed in the back ever since the 2006 elections, when Democrats promised change they didn't deliver. I think by November most Democrats will be thoroughly disillusioned with Obama, and by 2010 Republicans will be back in control.

fermicat said...

I'm taking a wait-and-see attitude. It is still very early.

Sonja's Mom said...

What ever happened to the seperation of Church and State? I do not want my tax dollars in the hands of a church - I don't care how much good they do.