Thursday, February 05, 2009

I'm Hungry...

and nothing is appealing. I have some chili left over from the weekend. I can make a couple of different sandwiches. I can make a tuna casserole. I’ve got some bacon with…? If I don’t eat the radishes I’ve got, they are going to soon be consigned to the garbage can.

I think I’m going to have some breakfast – poached eggs on cheese on sausage patties over English muffins, with a bit of coarse grain mustard.


Cynthia said...

I love breakfast for summer. I was just sitting here debating pork chops or bacon and eggs, and breakfast won.

Jeni said...

Breakfast for supper is something we have frequently here. Mainly because I am always put to a big test of trying to figure out something that I'm pretty sure the two little hooligans will eat and for us, that means meat (bacon or sausage) and pancakes or French toast. Maya will eat eggs but Kurtis -no way Jose! Go figure! Plus it is a tiny break from the almost daily pasta that has become standard fare for those two as well!
Anytime you're looking for a easy meal -drop me a note! I'm the queen of "easy" recipes! I love stuff that looks like I slaved all day, tastes like it too but takes next to nothing to prepare. Maybe I am the original Rice Krispies Treats mother, huh?

fermicat said...

It's a bit late for this comment to be of help, but a well-made BLT always hits the spot. Easy to make, the only potential snag is finding good tomatoes this time of year.