Saturday, June 23, 2007

W's Surge Just May Work

"More than 50 leading economists published a harshly worded, open letter to the president saying his policies were bringing economic ruin. High unemployment persists, there has been little foreign investment and inflation is galloping, with gasoline alone jumping 25 percent this spring." NYTimes online, June 23, 2007. The quote is from an article about an Iranian crackdown on dissent. "The shift is occurring against the backdrop of an economy so stressed that although Iran is the world’s second-largest oil exporter, it is on the verge of rationing gasoline."

Geopolitically, but not from a human rights point of view, this is a good thing. If Iran's economy is falling apart, it won't have the capacity to mess too much in the region. Probably isn't going to help gas prices much; but, coupled with the growing irritation shown by the other Gulf countries, Iran may have to moderate its rhetoric and actions. Now if those same Gulf countries would start pressuring Sunni and Shitte "moderates," if there are such things, to sit down and stop their crazy friends from killing each other, maybe the "surge" will after some historical revisionism, be found to have worked.


Cynthia said...

Well, this is a hopeful way of looking at it.

Anonymous said...

mullah cimoc say him warning ameriki people in 2003 when bush the invading iraq.

mullah cimoc then tell all ameriki saying please to reading the books of him chairman mao tse tung on guerilla warfare strategies and tactical.

mullah cimoc say in 2003 him insurgent running the enrage the bear tactical.

bear so ferocious, but running to and fro and the lunging to and fro, finally getting tired and the weaker and finally after the tormenting after the exhaustion him wanting to be killed just for ending the suffering.

this usa now in iraq. so the weaken, now the guerilla more aggressive but still the so careful. the bear still roar but hearing now the weakness.

in this time now all muslim knowing that in new iraq only him who killing so many ameriki soldier having the status and the power.

the collaborator him to die and all the family too, unless so torture by ameriki.

only one kind of the voting to count in new iraq. this ballot him calling the body bag containing the ameirki soldier ballot. if not have the this ballot, not having him vote.

this new man in new iraq him true warrior face every day adversity. him only man with political power in new iraq.

for this reason now the killing for starting so much against ameriki soldier. the wife telling the husband, “Omar, you needing for killing three ameriki now so our children him going the college and have good job in new iraq”. Also, “you not my husband if not killing ameriki soldier.”

this new kind of gold rush, but this rush him calling this the rush for kill ameriki soldier.

Anonymous said...

Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon are all impoverished. It hasn't really made them any more peaceful, though.

The Curmudgeon said...

There is some reason to believe that the Iranian clerics are doing everything they can to encourage an American attack on Iran... preferably an air strike or something else that falls short of toppling them... because it provides them their best chance of maintaining their chokehold on an increasingly dissident populace.

Ron Davison said...

You're getting some interesting visitors commenting.
I believe that our embargo against Cuba has helped to prop up Castro. Our attempt to harass the Iranians will have a similar effect, I suppose.