Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama Won Yesterday, Equality in California Lost

For all of you who fear that President-elect Obama is a flaming liberal, he wasn’t in favor of flaming or just plain gays or lesbians who wanted to marry each other. California’s vote to pass a state constitutional amendment to bar a marriage between two men or two women won yesterday.

Just what are people afraid of?

There’s a way to go.


Jeni said...

You know Dave, I wish someone could explain that to me too! Yeah, I understand to a degree some of those who protest this on "moral" grounds -or so they like to call 'em - but still I just don't get why it is such a big deal if two people care to make a commitment to each other, what difference does it make if it is a homosexual relationship or heterosexual one. I suppose many of that camp would then call me immoral too because I believe as I do and if that's the case, well so be it. I know, there's a whole raft of things I don't understand -this is just one of them - but really, would this be such a terrible concession? I don't think so. Sure is just another indicator that we do, as a society, still have a long, long road ahead, don't we?

SonjaB said...

The same amendment passed on Florida tto

Anonymous said...

I was very disappointed. I expect this sort of bigotry from southern states, but I had high hopes the coastal states could lead the way.

California did pass Prop 2, mandating kindness to chickens. That's an interesting counterpoint to their cruelty toward gays.

fermicat said...

I would have voted NO. Gay marriage is a net positive to society. That vote was so close, I hope that they will try to get it repealed with a different ballot initiative in the not-too-distant future. From what I have read, this sounds possible.

Unknown said...

On two seperate occasions, one of the most liberal states in the US has voted to define marriage as a man and a woman. They do not invalidate civil unons and all of the protections which go with them.

Exit polls this year show that the majority of Americans consider themselves conservative.

Those same people overwhelmingly voted for a black President.

Interesting analysis is certain to come.

BTW, I support same sex marriage.