Saturday, March 10, 2007

Second Amendment Update

The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled yesterday that the Second Amendment did protect a citizen's right to personally keep and bear arms. In doing so it struck down a very restrictive DC gun law. You can access the NYTimes online story here Court Rejects Strict Gun Law as Unconstitutional

This makes the second Circuit Court, out of twelve to take this view of the Second Amendment. One circuit has not ruled on the issue.

If you're interested in my views on which side of the issue is right, scroll down to my post on February 22.

For those that like Red/Blue State analysis. Gun toters need to move to DC, or the Fifth Circuit, the other Appeals Court that says individuals can bear arms - Texas, Louisiana or Mississippi. The Circuit that hasn't weighed in yet is the Second - New York, Connecticut and Vermont. Some liberal/conservative schizophrenia going on if you think federal courts are political animals.

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