Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'm Number Two On A Google Search For...

"pasadena california sick after dinner at lds church"

The query took you to my criticism of Al Sharpton after his anti-Mormon/ Mitt Romney comment. I don't think any of the words in the search appeared in the post. Maybe "at."

It never ceases to amaze me that Google is great at finding me what I am looking for on the web and at the same time does this stuff.


Anonymous said...

Oops! You must have pissed off the Google Gods because I don't see it when I try the query.

But, setting that side, how cool is it to be high on some Google search? Doesn't even really matter the topic. I'm always thrilled when I get a hit on my Ann Coulter paste up which comes up #15 on Google image search of Ann Coulter.

Dave said...

Fame is fleeting, even on Google, or maybe especially on Google. Thanks for stopping by Kvatch.

fermicat said...

Someone landed at my blog while searching 'mammogram Vonnegut'. What the hell?