Sunday, May 06, 2007

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

I did a recent post on the latest contremps with the "new AT&T."

Late in this last week I'd called and, I thought, straightened out the problems of changing my plans. I was wrong. I could not, and still cannot log on to my wireless internet account. The billing part of AT&T didn't care that I couldn't log and pay.

When I tried to log on this afternoon, I had no service. And though no fault of AT&T, my phone's battery went dead while I was trying to get through to something resembling "customer service" which after a few minutes of phonemail hell would announce that the new "AT&T had no customer service untill Monday morning. 411, at a buck fifty a call had no technical service number.

Anyway, I went to the office and charged my phone, found a place on the net that I could pay the bill that the woman late in the week assured me she would "note on my file" that it wasn't my fault that it wasn't paid.

Got back home, I logged on. I have service. The popup doesn't say Cingular. It doesn't say the New AT&T. It doesn't even say AT&T. Nope. Here's my problem, or a part of it. The person in charge of the software doesn't know who he or she works for.

Who am I connecting to? AT. They've gotten rid of the telegraph part. I know it's small part of the business these days. I think it's downhill from here.


Keith said...

Wow! It almost sounds like they're a government agency. :)

The Curmudgeon said...

The government broke it apart... and it reassembled right before our eyes....

Dave said...

You are both right. I'd forgotten the significance of "New" in conjuction with AT&T.