Sunday, December 09, 2007

An Attempt At a Positive Gun Post

The New York Times had an article today about the accuracy, or its lack, of police shooting. The New York City police when shooting at people that are within six feet of them hit the person with a bullet 43% of the time. That isn't killing them. It's getting a bullet into their body. If they are more than seventy-five feet away, they hit them 7% of the time. Overall? 2006, just over 28%. 2005, just over 17%.

Damn. I thought I was going to write a positive piece about guns.

If people trained to shoot in stressful situations can't hit their target with any degree of accuracy, what does that say about the need for firearms for defense by the rest of us?


Kathleen said...

This is going to piss off the gun lovers...except, of course, they would be much better shots than the NYPD.

Life Hiker said...

They taught me in MP school that the best way to get yourself shot was to draw your pistol. I also found out that hitting anything with a pistol is "hit or miss, mostly miss".

Avoiding the need for a quick draw and fire might go a long way toward solving this inaccuracy problem. The police need to ambush the bad guys, so that they have plenty of time to get into one of those cool-looking firing positions you see on TV.