Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I'm Not Sure About The Audacity of Hope, But...

I voted for him. I’m not happy about it. The second choice was McCain; but, I just couldn’t get past the anti-choice thing and the Iraq thing.

If the vote in November is Obama and McCain, I’ll have to rethink the personal liberty issue and the war thing. Probably, I’ll throw away my vote and do the Libertarian thing. I hate doing that.

In the interim, audacity, I like the word. The promise, not the change.

So here’s my questions:

Senator Obama, just how do we pay for what you want to do? I’d love for your hope to reach fruition, I’m just not seeing it happening.

And back to the international issues, tell me more. Just what do you see as our role in the world?

Finally, if the audacity thing is just that, a thing, what do you really hope to do? I really don’t expect a blueprint, just a glimmer. What can we do about our problems? Don’t talk at me now. Be practical. There are people dying here in America and around the world. How many can we save? How would you propose to do it? Our economy is, just what is it? Don’t talk to me about universal health care. It isn’t going to happen. What about trade? Any real plans for reversing our economic down turn?

In short, are you just a pretty face that has attracted my momentary attention? Or, is there something there that I can sign on to in November?

I hate the fact that that I am a liberal, commie, pinko as my friends label me, with a dash of reality. Give me just a pinch or a modicum of reality and I'm there. Barry, I'm waiting.


Hedy said...

Hey Dave, read this article by James Rothenberg at CounterPunch: http://www.counterpunch.org/rothenberg08202007.html

Especially the part that says "If you really want to shake things up, stay away from the polls..."

Very interesting. It gets back to the whole "I'd vote Libertarian if I thought it would matter" thing, which kills me because we could make a difference if we all just...oh never mind. I don't think you'll regret voting for Obama. It felt good voting for him. Historic.

Hedy said...

My favorite quote from the Rothenberg article: "Ask yourself why you don't want to 'waste' your vote yet instead reward with it the very parties responsible for this state of futility."


fermicat said...

In the end, it is a gut decision.

Anonymous said...

Senator Obama, just how do we pay for what you want to do? I’d love for your hope to reach fruition, I’m just not seeing it happening.

Senator Obama, why should I elect a man so manifestly unqualified to be my President? It doesn't occur to you that actually occupying one of the offices you've been elected to for more than two years might provide you some perspective on governing?

Lifehiker said...

Hopefully Obama will crunch Hillary sooner rather than later, so that he can stop running against her and start running against the republicans.

You're right that nobody can promise everything - there are tough choices ahead. Obama will have to stand up and talk to the big issues before the election, and he will have to make sense. Otherwise, meet President McCain!

I'm one of those people who believes that having the right goals means a lot. There are plenty of smart people who can help make decisions and implement policy, but if the goals are wrong the country gets hammered. Evidence? George Bush.

Pick a good team, Obama, and get the names out early!