Monday, August 25, 2008

A Non-political Observation on the News Coverage of the Democratic Convention

Most of the talking heads have little pilot’s or receptionist's microphones. Seems like a throw back to Janet Jackson or MC Hammer at a point in their “careers.”

The mike part and stem on Fox are kind of pink/flesh colored. CNN has gone with a bigger mike part that’s black along with the stem and earpiece.

And, James Carville is one goofy looking dude.

I know, that’s two observations; but, they're both non-political.


dr sardonicus said...

After that last comment I left, you're looking at mike parts and stems???

Although it's appropriate that FOX,s would be flesh-colored...

dr sardonicus said...

And why is my apostrophe upside-down?

dr sardonicus said...

Actually, it looks like it fell to the floor...

The Curmudgeon said...

Since this is the Democratic Convention "goofy looking dude" (while surely accurate) might not pass muster on the PC-scale.

May I suggest that you say that Citizen Carville is "appearance-challenged"?

Dave said...

We have some of the better comments I've seen over the life of this blog for this post, at least funniest. Quality begats quality I guess.

Doc, parts and stems are code words; and, the falling apostrophe is I think a precursor to something to do with chads.

Curmudgeon, I am appearance challenged, he's a goofy looking dude.