Stolen Because It's Funny
From Wiseline Institute News Service, one of the proprietors of "Hey, McSame’s checkin’ out her rack! Oh, and I just noticed she’s wearing a flag pin, AND HE’S NOT!!! Why does McSame hate America???"
Comments, and on my pretentious days, essays, on what on a given day interests, amuses, annoys or outrages me.
Posted by
7:32 PM
As soon as I read about Palin, I was reminded of Rove's stupid comment from about a week ago regarding 'intensely political choices'. Rove was dead on. He just got the party wrong.
I saw you're post. You're right.
This kinda takes the air out of that "inexperience" argument.
Well, here is the view from the average, christian, middle class FEMALE! (NO COMMENT ON THE NARRATION ON THE PICTURE)
I love the VP choice for Mr Mc. I was not sure who I was going to vote for, didn't really care for either Pres. selection or Obama's VP Pick.
But now I am completely sucked in. She seems to know the needs or really people. With a special needs child she may sway funding to families whom need help to give each child(even low income children) the best opputunity to overcome a disability.
She may not have a lot of knowledge of forg. affairs but she has the knowledge of a mom sending her son in to a war we may or may not be winning.
I am sure folks with law degrees and folks whom read about politics daily may see many pit falls in the choice, but this everyday, housewife with a small child faceing the worlds challenges like health care makeing my grocery money go futher and just want a better place for my grandchildren to live, like the idea of putting Ms Palin in the White House.
This appointment is very new and we will learn more about her in the days to come, I hope people can put aside black/white old/young male/female, and do what is right for their families and our country. Pray!
Wendy, I'm the only lawyer around the blog that I know of, and I'm not sure if I'm voting. It won't be McCain because he's way to close to what I see as a failed eight years of Bush (aided and abetted by Congress made up of both parties). It may be Obama if I can get over the fear that he will spend us further into our downward spiral.
Ah, all good points!
I was in the same boat until a slight glimmer of hope with the recent V.P. nominee, although I am not sure a V.P does anything.(unless the Pres meets an untimely death)
Who is our V.P. now? Just kidding!
Our VP is the guy who's been running the country for the last eight years from his underground bunker. He comes out every so often to shoot his buddies in the face with his pellet gun.
Wendy, with all due respect, I think you have no idea how demanding the job of vice president is. It requires lots of experience, managerial skill, and time.
Typically, for example, the vice president is the one who spends lots of time with the congress trying to get laws that both congress and the president can agree on.
Don't you think we should be looking for the smartest, most experienced, most honest people we know to be in jobs like the vice president's?
Sarah Palin may be a nice lady who understands the problems an average person faces, but does she have the background to understand the problems the nation faces and then help figure out what to do?
I think president of the PTA or mayor of a small town are probably more appropriate jobs for Sarah.
You know, she is pretty.
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