Friday, October 19, 2007

Tap Tap, Career All Gone

I’m not a Republican. I don’t live in Utah (Jeni, in a comment below, has advised that the state I'm supposed to be referring to is Idaho). I’m not gay. I’m not fighting an internal battle to remain heterosexual.

I am feeling a bit for Larry Craig. the Republican Senator from Utah (Idaho). You all read about it. The cop whiling away his day in the restroom stall waiting for a mark. Just how had he messed up to get that assignment? Senator Craig tap tap tapping. Spreading his foot wider. Then…a plea to misdemeanor disorderly conduct. If you want the rest of the silly details at this late date, utilize Google News.

Let us assume the “worst.” He’s a repressed gay guy. He was trolling for some anonymous sex, in Minnesota, of all places. The most The Man can get him for is disorderly conduct.

Think about this without the gay context. You’re a guy or a girl. You put some moves on a guy or girl. Tell me you haven’t. Ept or inept. Your full intention was a sexual encounter. OK, it didn’t happen in a public restroom; but, you fully intended to try to get laid. Turns out the guy or the girl is a cop. Somehow your moves, tapping or otherwise, got declared to be deviant. Stupid you, you figure you’ll plea to a minor misdemeanor rather than go through the public and expensive process of being declared stupid, but not criminal.

Then you’re found out. You’re guilty of being stupid. No doubt there. You deal with the “outing” badly. I’m leaving. I’m leaving if I don’t get this overturned. I’m not leaving. Ever had a big problem in your life and experienced denial? Senator Craig did.

Was he, is he, a bad Senator? I don’t know. Without doing research, but knowing he’s Republican and from Utah (Idaho), I know that I probably don’t agree with many of his political views. But, I do know that this incident has no real bearing on the question other than to prove him to be human.

So what does he get from his Republican Senate colleagues? Pariah status. They are shunning him like he was the unpopular kid in the fifth grade.

“Craig's estrangement from his own party was on full display this week during a Senate roll call vote. Not one of the many Republicans gathered on the Senate floor spoke to or even went near their Idaho colleague. He stood all alone until Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) came to the rescue and greeted him warmly.

Nelson later expressed sympathy when asked about his solitary colleague.

‘As a human being, you're always feeling for other human beings who are hurting, and he's gone through a very hurtful period,’ Nelson said.”

Bear in mind that there is no real political consequence to them as the result of his stupidity. I’ve read that whichever Republican runs for his seat in Utah (Idaho, hell they'll probably do well in Utah) next year is a shoo-in. So why the animus?

I don’t know. Could Republican Senators be, as a group, homophobic? Since no Democrats are rushing to his defense, other than Sen. Nelson, tepidly, are they guilty of political opportunism? Let’s watch the Republicans self destruct!

If Democrats truly believed in a society that should allow people to engage in private behavior that deviates from the norm, but harms no one, wouldn’t a couple of them make a move to say that the shunning of Senator Craig is uncalled for? Throw the shunning back in the Republicans’ face, so to speak?

I forgot, they’re all consumed with the past sins of the Ottoman Empire.


Jeni said...

One minor correction you may want to make to your piece, Dave. Sen. Craig is from Idaho, not Utah. Other than that, I think you pretty well nailed the whole scenario there -dumb move (yep, we've all done them -probably plenty too, I sure have) and in the overall scheme of things as politicians go, is this really something all that BIG!??? I mean really, earth-shattering enough that he resigns, felt forced to resign, is being shunned too by his fellow politicians too? I don't know what kind of politician he was - good, bad or indifferent -and like you, his being a republican is gonna put him on my radar screen then as not a good guy immediately but not for trying to pick someone up but rather for his thoughts, procedures in the senate, governmental ideas and such.

Good post though to point that all out too!

Dave said...

Thanks Jeni.

Anonymous said...

I didn't much care about his sexual orientation, or his behaviour in the stalls.

What bothered me was his failure to keep his word when it came to resigning. Perhaps it was his way of recovering from another case of premature capitulation, but who really wants a lawmaker who shoots from the lip and then wants a do-over...time and again?

Keith said...

My only problem with the guy is his hypocrisy. Talking about the entire "family values" thing and then doing what he did.

Debo Blue said...

One of my close family friends actually worked as one of the Senators interns for a few years so while I'm laughing hysterically for him getting caught, I have to be sensitive around her.

I wish he'd just resign and leave. He's been found out, time to don a top hat and tap away into the big reserve in the sky.

Anonymous said...

Senator Craig didn't make a move on a guy in a bar, he made a move on a guy in a public restroom. I would like to be able to use a public restroom without being propositioned and without people having sex in the stall next to me.

Here's a simple experiment you can do to test whether Craig is telling the truth: sit down, pull your pants down to your knees or lower, then spread your legs so widely that your feet end up in the stalls next to you. Unless you're wearing MC Hammer pants, you can't do it.

Posol'stvo the Medved said...

Here's a thought...

Is it possible that all of his colleagues knew about his propensity? And is it possible that they had sat him down and said "We'll look the other way on this issue, but God help you if you ever get caught. We'll deny you so fast it'll make your head spin."

It's the only way I can justify any sort of shunning in my mind.

I'm not a real big shunner myself. Just yesterday I had lunch with my former brother-in-law, who my sister for a while was very keen on me shunning. I told her I wouldn't do it. It hurt my relationship with her a bit, but it was the right thing to do.

Dave said...

In general response you your comments:

I don't expect much of politicians, so I'm not surprised by Craig's breach of promise, he isn't the first, nor will he be the last politician that lied. And a lot of the other lies have been a whole lot more important to my mind.

The "this is the last straw" idea, his colleagues having talked to him before may make some sense. Though if that is the case, why aren't they shunning the womanizers, the bribe takers, etc.?

As to the logistics of the incident, I don't know that I believe the cop totally. The venue, no unwanted hitting on is good, where ever it takes place. I've not been hit upon often in my life; but, where it was unwanted, I politely declined. A bit of awkwardness, and then it's over. Again, I don't think stupidity should be a crime.