Should I Feel Guilty?
As I’m typing, I’m watching (really listening to) a PBS broadcast of a Moody Blues concert recorded back in 1991. A few minutes ago, thanks to the wonder that is DVR (I do miss TiVo on DirecTv, not available on Dish), I fast-forwarded through the pitch for “new and renewing” members.
I probably should have done some research before writing this to find out if I’m right; but, don’t Public TV and Public Radio have just as many “commercials” as commercial stations? Yes, the “commercials” are a bit different.
“This program is brought to you by generous grants from General Motors, IBM, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Public Broadcasting Corporation, and viewers like you.” I’d, by the way, like to know the MacArthurs, they seem to have a lot of money, they sponsor most every thing on WABE in Atlanta.
Then there are the flat out commercials, especially on Public TV.
I don’t donate to either. I did for years, some years ago. I quit for a couple of reasons. The main one being what I said above, they are commercial TV/radio, with a bit of a different advertising model. Then there was the continuous junk mail and junk calls. “Hi Dave, we have you down on our list as someone who we can guilt into giving us more and more money, how much can we grab today?”
Finally, for the most part, Public TV is not very good anymore. Every good idea it had got grabbed by cable TV and made better. Food shows? Food Network. Nova? All the nature shows? The Discovery family of channels. Masterpiece Theater? BBC.
PBS is left with showing 17 year old recordings of the Moody Blues and breaking them up with guilt trips aimed at the Boomers that are watching.
I do listen to NPR in spurts on a regular basis. It doesn’t seem to have as much advertising. Should I send them an anonymous money order every now and again?
Sonj's Mom says -
I used to give too but anymore all I see are telethons asking for more money. I just want to see the program not 20 min of them telling me how great the program is and if I don't give more money they will not be able to show it.
My nephew used to work for the MacAuthur Foundation. His job was to find ways for them to spend all their money. Now he works for Florida Light & Power finding way for them to spend all their money.
Wish I had just a fraction of their money.
I have quit giving to certain charities because they refused to leave me alone. I resent it when I see my small donation spent on mass mailings and phone calls.
I don't subscribe to as many magazines as I once did either, for the same reason. I just wanted the magazine, not ten pounds of junk mails, fake bills, and phone calls. When they started "auto renewing" and told me it was for my benefit, I decided I would be happier without them.
I don't watch TV much, so don't share in that end of the issue. But I do listen to specific programs that are usually broadcast via NPR. These days, I do it via podcasting/downloads. The only part of my car radio that gets any work anymore is the Aux in jack.
So, there are programs I like that I want to see continue, and most of these shows allow you to contribute directly to them. I will not send my money directly to WHYY because that will only give them money to buy programs that I dislike - like YOU BET YOUR GARDEN, which I abhore.
Last point -- guilt. Guilt is a waste of energy. If you shoulda done X and you didn't, feeling guilty solves nothing. Making it right does. By the same token, if someone else thinks you shoulda done X, but you disagree (and you are right and not deluding yourself), feeling guilty still solves nothing, and you have no obligation to feel guilty.
My opinion.
Send NPR some money. They have great morning and evening shows, and "Science Friday", which is a wonderful show. Add "Prairie Home Companion" and local shows that should be good in Atlanta, and you've got something worth supporting with your bucks.
Just curious...can you hear Stephanie Miller and Rachel Maddow in Atlanta? I switch between them and NPR because my republican party got stolen by a bunch of fascist wackos.
I don't watch too much PBS or regular tv, but I do listen to podcasts of NPR. But not enough to send money. Like Pos, most of my radio streams from the iPod now.
Debo, great to hear from you.
Guys and SM, I think I'm going to give something to NPR, not WABE the local outlet. NPR and PRI are the only things I listen to and giving something directly makes some sense. And I've got to explore the podcasts a bit. "On Demand" intelligence is attractive.
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