Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Lemon Extract

I used some cooking tonight. Good thing I'm not temperance. I happened to read what's in it. "Ingredients: Alcohol, lemon extract, water. 83% alcohol by volume." The volume in the little vial-like bottle was one ounce, which as I recall, I paid something just less than three bucks for. Given the order of ingredients, under some labelling law, don't you have to call the product "Alcohol with lemon extract and some water?"

I didn't have to show ID to buy it. But for the price, this would seem to be the wino's new choice in beverages.


fermicat said...

I dare you to drink it straight.

Ryan said...

I jus draken our leemen extrackt. It was nott good.

Posol'stvo the Medved said...

I have heard of kids buying and drinking vanilla extract because of the alcohol. Not sure if it was true. Have you ever tasted the stuff straight out of the bottle? Like me, it is bitter and strong. I don't think it would have ever appealed to me to drink.