Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Irreconcilable Differences

It wasn't destined to last. I knew that going in. But as in all such matters you ignore what you don't want to know.

There were signs along the way. Time spent together while the mind wandered to other more enjoyable activities. Thoughts about the cost: Is it really worth it? Small moments of doubt about honesty.

We parted company last night. I reached my limit during the phone call. "If we charged you $1.75 a week, would you stay?

I started Sunday home delivery of The New York Times last year, getting a deal for the first few months. When the price went up, I called to cancel and was talked into staying with a rate of about $2.25 a week. It turned out that wasn't a permanent rate, it was another promotion. Looking at my credit card statement this month, I found out they'd bumped it up to just over $7.00 a week without telling me. Hence the offer of $1.75 a week when I called to cancel.

It's for the best. As the weather is nicer, I find myself reading less of the paper. I can always read it online, at least the price is right.


dr sardonicus said...

I also once considered the Sunday NYT to be esential, but the internets changed all that.

That girl said...

I absolutely love to read the newspaper. I no longer subscribe to it, as I have no time to read it during the morning anymore, but anytime I pass the little newspaper stand, I find myself buying one.(i know, i know, it'd still be worth keeping the subscription)

Online news (although I read that as well) will never take prescedent of a good cup of coffee and my paper.

It's really one of the last traditions we have left...reading a hard copy of something...everything else is done online, I figure, for me, I still preper the good ol' paper for now.

That girl said...

man, i can't spell at all tonight.

Second paragraph, is supposed to say "prescedent over" not "prescedent of" ...jeez.

And third paragraph, last sentence, is "prefer" not "preper"...

Perhaps I really oughtta spend more time reading my paper to improve my spelling ;-)

fermicat said...

I'm thinking about dumping the AJC home delivery. I just don't make the time to read it, and having it lying there unread makes me feel guilty. If I wanted to feel guilty, I'd go to church more often...