It isn’t the five kids; she’d have the use of the Vice President’s mansion down the street from the White House. I’m figuring they have nannies, maids, tutors, etc. as needed. We’ll see if she fires the chef, as she said she did in the Alaska governor’s mansion, or tries to sell the daily limo on EBay.
It isn’t the daughter’s unfortunate condition and impending marriage. Let’s assume the kids are really dumb. That would just be a new second family fully in line with the tradition of other first families that embarrassed their famous parents. Various Kennedy kids. Billy Carter. The Reagan brother whose name I’ve forgotten. Reagan’s kids that he was embarrassed about, though for no good reason. The current Bush kids that did some of the stupid things that kids do. The list can go on.
It isn’t her insignificant “executive experience.” If you compare the four candidates, she has the most, as minimal as it is.
It isn’t even that she was for “earmarks” before she was against them. I don’t like earmarks; but I understand that they are a reality in politics.
It isn’t because she didn’t write the speech that she delivered last night. (The guy that wrote most of it has been writing Republican speeches for quite awhile now.)
I won’t be voting for Senator McCain and Governor Palin because the great majority of what they want to do is not good, from my point of view.
Governor Palin made a joke in her speech last night about Obama wanting “terrorists” to have their rights read to them. She apparently doesn’t think the pesky first ten amendments to the Constitution mean much. My view is that no one accused of something is ”it” until a real court says they are. In my view, our government should treat people the way I would want to be treated, which doesn’t include being put on ice for years without the ability to get to a court. Governor Palin seems to have a lot in common with the current VP, Dick Cheney. Former Attorney General Gonzales. W. I find it interesting that other than Senator McCain’s insistence that we need to hang out in Iraq until we “win,” whatever that means, he actually, probably, isn’t Bush incarnate. From what she said last night, she wants us to think that she is.
Then there’s the pro-life or anti-choice stance, whichever version you prefer. If I were in a position having to consider whether to undergo an abortion, I probably would choose to preserve the life or potential life within me. But, I cannot understand someone that wants to, indeed, demands the right, to make that choice for someone else.
Guns. Great photo ops those dead beasts and drawing a bead with soldiers standing around are. If it were up to me, I’d restrict them as much as the current Supreme Court will allow. I know, if you ban guns, only the criminals will have guns. How about if you change what the real economic price of a gun is? Absolute liability for the manufacturer of a gun used to injure or kill someone. How many S&W’s, Glocks, etc., and at what price, will be sold? Over time, the current supply dwindles. Fewer accidental and intentional deaths. Not rocket science, not constitutional law, just, to my mind, common sense. (Read some economic law stuff from Judge Posner from Chicago, a conservative federal appellate judge. He might well be a Republican.)
Let’s talk about foreign policy. Governor Palin jabs at Senator Obama for being willing to talk to heads of state that oppose us without setting pre-conditions. We’ve had seven and a half years of a cowboy president that threatens and doesn’t talk, to no avail. The cold hard fact is that this is not 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 or 2000. America is the lone “super-power” in a military sense, in the world. Use of that status, without the necessary concomitant of economic and moral super-power status in unavailing. Here, Governor Palin joins Senator McCain in playing big dog. “Victory in Iraq is in sight!” Bush has spent two terms redefining victory with McCain at his side. Palin makes three. Please tell me what a win means.
There’s more; but, you might see it’s clear that Governor Palin and I don’t agree on a lot of things. She seems to be Senator McCain with some charisma. Bad views, well spoken, do not a Vice President make.
I invite you, my conservative readers, you know who you are, to tell me I’m wrong in my views. Humor and glibness are welcome, accompanied by reasoned analysis.