Monday, October 06, 2008


About a week ago Atlanta entered its between season. It isn't Summer with highs in the high eighties and low nineties coupled with high humidity. It isn't yet Fall with leaves turning colors.

I didn't turn on an air conditioner all last week. In the morning, having left the windows open, it's cold, but not so cold that you need to turn on the furnace (down here, the "heater"). There's a layer of condensation on the car windows. By mid-afternoon it's about eighty degrees, gorgeous, with bright blue skies.

Kids walk out of the house in jackets that they don't need, but wear because they're new (or their parents are overly protective) and then carry them around all day.

You hear a lot of clashing music and talk at stop lights because the car windows are all open. The same goes for neighborhoods at night. Music, talk, kids yelling. All of a sudden, you realize that there are people around, released from their air conditioned imprisonment.

It won't last, but it sure is nice.


Posol'stvo the Medved said...

It's the time to roll thw car windows down and not have the heat or the AC on.


Of course, up thisaway, that means a temp of between 50 and 75 all the time. If that appeals to you, you may want to check out Monterey, CA. I spent a year there. One of the best years of my life.

Dave said...

I've not been to Monterey; but, San Diego and Santa Barbara are wonderful.

Actually the best of life would be to live in the Florida Keys from about October first to May first. Then, somewhere your way, upstate New York, Northern Michigan, Wisconsin or Minnesota until October comes around again.

Oh, and fly up your way once a winter to see snow.

Jenn said...

I agree it shure is nice.

Anonymous said...

Boy, I can't WAIT to ride w/the windows down. Over in the 602 our highs are still 95 or higher. This weekend saw a beeyoutifull change but like weight loss, it won't last.

When are you coming to Phoenix?

Debo Blue

molly gras said...

What a poetic picture ... thanks Dave :)