Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Race to Mediocracy

Yesterday in an interview, Sarah Palin said:

"Oh, I think they're just not used to someone coming in from the outside saying you know what? It's time that normal Joe six-pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency [sic], and I think that that's kind of taken some people off guard, and they’re out of sorts, and they’re ticked off about it…."

Yeah, I'm a bit out of sorts, I can see myself getting ticked.

I suppose I could interpret her remarks as promoting the value of having a vice president "in touch" with middle class America. But Obama and Biden are already on that with their constant references to "Main Street America" as opposed to Wall Street, which they try to tie to McCain.

No, the identification with Joe Six-pack has to be further down the social scale. "Archie Bunker" in the Seventies? "Robert Barone" from Everyone Loves Raymond" more recently? I don't want either "represented in the position of vice presidency."

One of the qualities I want to see in a vice president or a president is that he or she is a smart, highly educated, widely experienced SOB. Yes, I want the person to have empathy for all classes and colors of people. But I want a leader smart enough, with a world view broad enough, to do something good in office. Kind of like the reverse of Dick Cheney.

With Governor Palin, we may be getting smart, I don't know. She isn't highly educated and she doesn't have a lot of experience. You know what you'd be getting? Me, in drag, with a different accent and mostly opposite political views. I wouldn't vote for me. I'm not voting for her.


Jeni said...

Actually Dave, I think you would be a much better candidate for the VP slot than Ms. Palin -a lot more knowledge there and the ability to take information and process it, then put it back out in understandable words -not try to flim-flam about stuff, zip around from one thing to another, all unrelated (Wall Street to health care to job creation -which we know it is all about, of course). I can't imagine you going into an interview -of any type -that you haven't studied up on what aspects are important and being able, prepared to discuss this stuff in an intelligent fashion. Yep, most definitely you would make for a much better candidate -at least one who is prepared to converse on the important topics anyway.

Posol'stvo the Medved said...

Watch out, Dave. That whole you-in-drag thing might turn into a rash of write in votes.

Debo Blue said...

Pos has pictures of you in drag? Wow, another layer is unwrapped for us to see. Go boy!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute- a wealthy, college-educated beauty queen believes she is the epitome of "Joe Six-Pack?"

Ms. Palin, I know many Joe Six-Packs. Some Joe Six-Packs are friends of mine. Governor, you're no Joe Six-Pack.

Hedy said...

I am not missing tomorrow's debate for anything except maybe a shot at seeing Dave in drag. Classic.

Dave said...

Gosh darn it! (I'm channeling Palin here.) I'm trying to be serious here and ya'll seize on the end bit to be a bit funny! Not you Jeni, I'm late for filing to become the Vice President of the United States of America; but, your write in vote is welcome.

Painting a picture with words is, now too late, obviously a bad idea.

Pos, you're on restriction. Debo, double restriction.

Thomas, as usual, in a sentence or two, you trump me.

And Hedy, you know what I look like. Do you have a hat, some depilatory products and something bright, but in a pastel that I can borrow? Now that I think about it, my dress shoes, boat shoes and tennies aren't going to get it. I don't know that I can go with more than a two inch heel.

Back on topic people!

fermicat said...

Every time I think it can't get worse with her, it does. She can't name a single supreme court decision other than Roe v Wade? Can't name a single newspaper or magazine news source that she reads? WTF? I am just a physicist, but I can name several important supreme court decisions and I certainly can list which news publications I read.

But even though this apparently makes me overqualified to be a veep nominee, I will yield to Dave-in-drag, who, judging from the comments here, will electrify the voting populace!