Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Something Non-political

“100% of putts that don’t get to the hole don’t go in.”

Harvey Penick, 1904 - 1995.

I played hooky today after lunch, on a gorgeous day.

As I pulled in to the parking lot, I slowed about ten yards behind three women who were sauntering towards the starter’s shack blocking the entire lane. One woman looked over her shoulder and then looked forward. Her friend, seeing her look, glance over her shoulder and returned to her forward gaze, both of them with their friend, continuing their slow pace blocking the lane for another thirty or so yards.

I went into the clubhouse and paid for a walk on.

I changed shoes, got out my bag and walked to the shack.

“Man, you should have been five minutes earlier, you’re behind those women.”

“Not a problem, I’m skipping One, I can play it at the end?”

“No problem.”

I never waited to hit a shot, until the eighteenth when I caught up with a guy that started a half hour ahead of me, and then I waited less than a minute. Seven over. I’d think of a MasterCard commercial if I were being paid for it.

"Not all putts that go in the hole result in a good score, but they are better than the alternative."

Dave, still living and playing.


Keith said...


Anonymous said...

You lost me at "paid for a walk on".

Debo Blue

Dave said...

Yeah, a golf term.

I really just paid to play. I didn't have a "tee time" or a reservation.

Not having one, I paid the same price and was allowed to "walk on." As there was no one there, other than the ladies in front of me, I walked on quickly.


Back to the debate, which is very, very, very boring.

fermicat said...

Your afternoon was far better than mine. Wanted to leave early, but the boss was down in the department. Stuck till after five. Damn. Came home and did dusty yardwork in advance of the rain.

Watched the boring debate with PDM. Managed to get into an argument at the very end (dammit!) and he is still not talking to me. Whatever. I am over his shit. Don't care if he talks to me or not. Won't last. My husband is a lousy debater (walks off, not talking, to his life partner). We'll survive, and live to cancel each other's vote.

Debo Blue said...

Fermi is hilarious!

Thanks for the golfing play by play. Sounds like the debate (smooch).