Stupid Government Stuff
My muse may be back.
Stupid Government Stuff
Not much more to say.
Comments, and on my pretentious days, essays, on what on a given day interests, amuses, annoys or outrages me.
My muse may be back.
Stupid Government Stuff
Not much more to say.
Posted by
4:45 PM
I'm hopping over to read the article now...
I too, wrote about my muse.
Stupid, indeed. Some people obviously do not understand cats. Or the role of government.
I think we have far more serious concerns that could be acted on than Hemingway's cats.
I think the biggest problem that I can see is this...
"the Key West City Commission has exempted the museum from a city law prohibiting more than four domestic pets per household..."
Why? If the law applies to everyone else, why does it not apply to this place?
That said, the four pet limit seems a bit extreme. Although my family only has two pets of our own (rabbits), I don't see a problem with a family wanting two dogs, two cats, a few fish, and several lizards (or whatever collection tickles your fancy).
To the USDA: Get a life!
So 300,000 tourists each year go thru the museum and love the cats, which celebrate Hemingway's lifestyle. You'd think that if there was a real problem, one of them might be smart enough to notice. USDA, butt out! Why not start checking Chinese catfood a little more adequately?
Was that your muse? Or a-muse?
Why would they apply a household pet law to a museum? I still think they have better things to worry about.
Ron, the latter.
Pos and Fermi, I think the distinction is "domestic." The museam isn't a domicile, other than for the cats. There's probably some more legalistic stuff, that no one should be paying any attention to.
I'm going to see what the "key West Whatever," if it's online has to say about it. I'll report anything interesting.
Nothing on the cats but I did find a sory about a soaped down man in a bar:
"Mean but clean; bar patron gets soaped."
The link didn't work, but the story was about a guy who got hosed down by the bartender in "The Littlest Bar."
Ever been there? I'm no Hemingway fan, but it was a neat place. And it would be made less so with less cats. But hell, let's all thank the Christian God that George Bush is protecting us tourists from too many cats.
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