Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Is Blogger Optimistic, or In Need of Some Elementary Education?

Some people substitute words or phrases for "comments" in their Blogger template. One I saw said " crickets chirping." Memphis Steve uses " people talking out of their asses." You getting a sense of the depth and breadth of the blogging universe?

The default template uses " comments," note the plural. So, that works if you have "0 comments" and "2 comments." But "1 comments" doesn't work too well. Haloscan by Wordpress, I think, solves this singular v. plural problem by having a template that says " comment(s)."

I know, I could customize my template to have it do as Haloscan does. But, what fun would that be? Yeah, I really don't feel like working. Besides, almost a year into this blogging thing, I just learned how to do a hyperlink within the Blogger composition box. That's enough high tech for me for the near future.


Jeni said...

I'd kind of like to get mine to say "And your opinion is.." but I can't figure out where to make the needed changes much less how to do that so guess I am relegated to the good old "comments" aren't I?

Ripple said...

Hammer says "pithy quip". I think that is a cool one.

Posol'stvo the Medved said...

In the control panel for "Rather than Working", click the Template tab.

Then, in the box marked "Blog Posts", click the Edit link.

Change the text box that says "Comments" to "Comment(s)" - or whatever you want it to say. This will be what comes right after the count of comments.