Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Viral Blogging

Down River is the easiest way to travel. Fighting against the stream is a sysuphisian task, like throwing a pebble at Niagara Falls and expecting to hear it hit the water. Taking on such a task will put you in the sanitarium.

If you are wondering what that is all about, click on the first link for an explanation. If you wish to carry on the virus, I deem thee tagged.


Jeni said...

Uh Dave. I know you say you have issues with linking to other blogs and such, but which blog exactly did you mean for the word sysphusian (or whatever the heck that highlighted word is there) to link back to? It takes us to a google information page with upteen selections there - or is that the intent to totally confuse us and make us try to figure out which blog is the one you are referring to?
If I can do it, so can you cause very few have less tech skills with blogging than mine!

Dave said...

I fixed it Jeni, the link will now take you to the intended location.

dr sardonicus said...


Jeni said...

Aw, thanks Dave. See I knew you could do it after all!