Wednesday, October 10, 2007

And Yer Mama's A....

DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF GEORGIA, INC. is a link to the Georgia Secretary of State site that lists corporations that are registered in the state of Georgia.

So, you say, why the link?

I’ve noticed it before; but, I was just reading Nealsnuze which is the program notes for Neal Boortz who’s based out of Atlanta and is a second tier right leaning, but more libertarian than right, radio talk show host. As part of a comment he said “[a] constituent of Alaska's Democrat Senator Barbara Murkowski sent me a letter….”

Just why is it that Boortz, Hannity, Limbaugh and others insist on not using the “ic” ending of the name of the party they hate?

I can understand that they think the Democrats (proper usage) don’t espouse what they consider to be Democratic values (again proper usage); but, isn’t it a bit childish to insist on misidentifying them?

Why not refer to them as the Cheese Party? It makes as much sense and maybe makes their point more effectively.

That’s it. I didn’t like it in Junior High (now Middle School) much either.


Ryan said...

Dave... It's childish, but I wasn't even aware it was wrong until now.


fermicat said...

I've read about this particular phrasing before. Disrespectful, sure. But par for the course for confrontational pundits - after all, they thrive on giving their audience a sense of superiority and their daily dose of outrage.

Jeni said...

I never noticed that phrasing before - but then, I avoid Rush and the rest of those fools like the plague. But, all things considered, I think fermicat is on track with why they would use something incorrect and disrespectful too.

Posol'stvo the Medved said...

You can't use the Cheese Party. When I form my own political party, that's the name I'm going to use. Our first Cheese-ic candidates will be Wallace and Gromit. Wait and see...

dr sardonicus said...

"Democrat Party" dates back to the New Deal era, and yes, it came about because GOP reactionaries felt that FDR was trying to become a dictator and was anything but democratic.

The phrase was kept alive over the years by the faux-populist right. "Democrat Party" was a favorite saying of Joe McCarthy, and Bob Dole, sort of a link between ancient and modern Republicans, never referred to the Democrats in any other way, as far as I know. Rush Limbaugh, who has made millions off of right-wing populism, is especially responsible for propagating the "Democrat Party" slander in the modern political lexicon.