Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Our President Has Lost It

In a speech today, the President of the United States of America, argued that we should stay in Iraq because we cut and run in Vietnam and thereby, by inference, killed people in Cambodia during the "Killing Fields." "Mr. Bush acknowledged the long debate over whether the United States military should ever have been in Vietnam in the first place: “Whatever your position is on that debate, one unmistakable legacy of Vietnam is that the price of America’s withdrawal was paid by millions of innocent citizens, whose agonies would add to our vocabulary new terms like ‘boat people,’ ‘re-education camps’ and ‘killing fields.’"

My position on that debate is that people died not as a result of our withdrawal; but, rather, they died as a result of our attempt to invoke our idea of how that part of the world should live, of course, the way we wanted them to live.

Even his father understood the legacy of Vietnam. Have a plan, execute it, stop. W missed that day in school.

Bush also compared withdrawal in Iraq to World War II and the Korean War, inferring that since we stayed the course in those wars, "Democracy" prevailed. What he forgot about those wars was the decades of the Marshall plan and similar programs that rebuilt the structures we destroyed. He also forgot that Germany, Japan and North Korea started those wars and that we started Vietnam and Iraq.

Perhaps a lesson to be learned is don't send your child to where ever he went to high school or send him or her to Yale. They don't appear to teach logic or history.

The President of the United States of America is a dangerous man. He does not have a clue as to what he started, what he caused, what to do about it. All he knows is that he isn't taking any blame. "All we have to do is be the great country that we have always been, impose our will on, what's that place we're fightin' in?, Iran?, no, no, that's the next one. Iraq, that's it. Those She people, the Suns and the Curds, they just have to have time to understand the upside of buckling down to doing what we want them to do."

I'm thinking of Nixon in his last days in the White House, talking to the pictures on the wall.


Jeni said...

Hit. The. Nail. On. The. Head!
Yes indeed, you did! I couldn't have said it better -(just would have used a whole lot more word.)I think W has missed more than one lesson during his educational process and loved the one about Yale coursework lacking logic, etc.

Anonymous said...

He keeps trying to draw parallels where there aren't any.

Never in American history have we invaded a country that promptly dissolved into a three-way civil war. If he continues to believe that he can treat Iraq as if it were Japan, Korea, or (comically) Viet Nam, things will never get any better.

Keith said...

Very well stated Dave, and I agree 100%.

Monica said...

Thank you for this post. I have felt this way for a LONG time. Our President is a very dangerous man. It's not his children getting wounded and killed over there. And I wouldn't want it to be his children because unlike him, I wouldn't want any parent to lose a child to someone's personal agenda and I truly believe Iraq is a personal agenda for Bush. If he had stuck to going after the one who attacked us, his place in history would have been that of a great president...but all I think is he's a bully. And contrary to what the Dixie Chicks said? He's not a Texan. He was born up north.

Posol'stvo the Medved said...

Can you accurately say he is losing it if he probably never even had it to begin with?

Ron Davison said...

I still think that drug use has to explain a great deal of his state of mind. How else to explain miscognition, the sense of calm and certainty, the unfounded confidence?

dr sardonicus said...

You have to remember that GWB has lived in a bubble all his life. He's never had to experience the consequences of his actions because his daddy and his influential friends were always there to bail him out.