Thursday, August 16, 2007

Stolen From Kami

Install Vista is a cute YouTube video that I am not stealing so much attributing to Kami at dallasks. I have XP at work and Vista on the laptop. I’ve found that both often get poor grades in the “working and playing well with others” categories.


Posol'stvo the Medved said...

That was funny. Reminded me a bit of this... My Broken Mac

Don't watch with young kids around as the feller drops a couple of F bombs during it.

Kami said...

Yeah, it's a piece.

Glad you liked it!

Jeni said...

One little question here - and pardon my stupidity too please - but how the dickens do you get these youtube videos to play? Sometimes, I can click into them and they download fine. Other times, I can't get them to download, hence, no visibility and that's what happened last night with this one. I know -dial-up -pain in the behind majorly -but still, irritating. As a result, I frequently just bypass you tube stuff or any videos most of the time for that matter but this one, I had tried to get it to open, download etc. and no luck. Am I doing something wrong or is it just an issue for me with the dial-up is what I am wondering here.

Jeni said...

Hi Dave - I added your blog to my favorites list about a week ago but hadn't gotten around to introducing you to my readers however, today I did that. Also, although I don't see any awards, other thingys, widgets and the like in your crisp lines of your blog - don't know if you have opted to not post things like that or what - but whatever is the case, I have a present at my blog waiting for you. If you care to display it, that's great; if not -that's fine too but I do believe you deserve it, therefore, it's there for the taking if you like! Just because you know, I am so nice -ok, I try to be that -most of the time and sometimes, I even succeed at it too!

Anonymous said...

Visiting from Jeni. Congratulations on your award.

Yes, so thanks for the video and very honest of your to attribute. As a technically challenged person myself, that about sums up my view too.

Dave said...

Jeni, I don't know. I've, for the most part been able to get them to play. Now and again, especially if someone forwards one in an an Email, they just sit there.

McEwen, and Jeni for the referral, thanks for stopping by.